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28. Nov. 2011 video

Europe's important role at the climate negotiations in Durban - Bas Eickhout

After the disappointing outcome of Copenhagen, Cancun took small steps to revive the climate talks. This year Durban must set a pathway to secure a global climate deal in 2015 at the latest. There are a myriad of outstanding issues in UN climate negotiations, which COP17 needs to take steps to resolve.

28. Nov. 2011 video

EU position in UN climate talks in Durban

Green MEP Bas Eickhout criticises the EU position adopted today for the UN climate talks in Durban. Europe has to take the lead and step up our climate commitments now if we have any hope of achieving the target of just 2 degrees celcius of warming.

23. Jun. 2011 video

Climate change is back on the agenda

Green MEP and EP draftsperson for strengthening the EU emissions target Bas Eickhout outlines the benefits of a stronger emissions target. The Greens believe the EU needs to fulfil its commitment to step up to a 30% reduction target. Bas Eickhout welcomes that climate change is back on the agenda.

08. Mar. 2011 video

Greening the EU Energy Roadmap 2050

The European Commission will present the EU Energy Roadmap this autumn. This paper will follow the Climate Roadmap 2050 adopted by the Commission on 8 March 2011 and present a number of policy measures for the decarbonisation of the energy sector. The EU has committed to an 80-95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by 2050. Ahead of the publication of this key document, the Greens/ EFA group organised a conference on the 22nd September to consider what should be the necessary steps and measures that the European Union should take to achieve its ambitious goals in both the energy and the climate sector.