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06. Mar. 2013 video

When I think of Fukushima

Two years have passed since Japan experienced the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant on 11 March 2011. The images of the destroyed nuclear reactors remain in our heads, but we know little about the consequences on daily life in Japan today.

06. Dec. 2012 video

Global climate justice! - Message to negotiators

Last day of COP18! The Greens/EFA group has asked several people in the conference center what they would like to tell to the climate negotiators. "Global climate justice!" Green MEPs Bas Eickhout, Sandrine BĂ©lier and Satu Hassi together with some NGOs, the YOUNGO network and the Arab Youth Climate Movement, are calling for action and more climate equity!

03. Dec. 2012 video