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16. Oct. 2013 video

Join the 2013 Global Frackdown!

The Greens/EFA MEPs want a ban on fracking. They support the Global Frackdown which takes place on 19th October 2013. Hundreds of communities all over the globe are organising actions and events against fracking. For more details see here:

10. Apr. 2013 video

The Arctic melt

2012 saw a record loss of Arctic sea ice in the summer. Across the globe, an enormous number of scientists & experts from various organisations have warned about the unprecedented Arctic melt, a message which does not seem to have reached the majority of politicians...

23. Mar. 2013 video

Earth Hour 2013

Earth Hour 2013: from 20.30 to 2030! Like last year, the EP has decided to participate to the WWF public event 'Earth Hour 2013' (on Saturday 23rd March from 8.30 to 9.30 pm), which now attracts million of people globally.

11. Mar. 2013 video

The truth about the EU nuclear stress tests

As a reaction to the Fukushima catastrophe the EU performed stress tests to find out how safe the nuclear power plants in the EU are. Now, two years on we have the reports, but have our nuclear power plants gotten any safer? Do we actually know how safe our nuclear reactors are?