

- Initiates file downloadThe Green Vision Scenario for Europe 2017: The  first EU wide climate scenario compatible with the Paris Agreement

- Initiates file downloadImpact of climate change on the EU islands

Opens external link in new windowEl cambio climático en Europa: Percepción e impactos (ES)

Opens external link in new windowExecutive summary of the report ' Climate change in Europe : Perception and impacts' (EN)

- Initiates file downloadClimate postcards | Initiates file downloadCartes postales 'climat' | Initiates file downloadKlimawandel Poskartenset




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The Green leaflet on the IPCC report (WG1)

Initiates file download"Change policies not the climate!

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 Initiates file downloadSummary of the COP 18 in Doha


Initiates file downloadThe price of doing too little too late - Sustainable Finance Lab & Profundo



The Green leaflet on the IPCC report (WG1)

Initiates file download"Change policies not the climate!

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The Green guide to the EU ETS 

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Initiates file downloadState of play of the EU ETS' (EN, May 2013)


Initiates file downloadSummary of the COP 18 in Doha


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Initiates file downloadA Green Q&A on F-gases in Europe



A Frack-tivist's Introduction to EU Legislation 
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The NGOs' Opens external link in new window joint statement on shale gas 

Opens external link in new windowThe Greens/EFA's campaign video 'Let's ban fracking and shale gas' which as been made in close collaboration with Friends of the Earth Europe, Food and Water Europe and the Health & Environment Alliance.

The leaflet ‘ban fracking and shale gas in Europe’ in
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Initiates file downloadMore Information on Shale Gas


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Initiates file downloadThe TORCH report, 'the other report on Chernobyl' 

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Initiates file downloadNuclear power will not save our climate: 40 facts and arguments to find out why the Greens have always been against this type of energy

Initiates file downloadWhy have the greens always been against Nuclear Energy...?


Initiates file downloadPolicy Paper: EDF and the French Nuclear fleet: A systemic risk for the EU


Campaign video on the Arctic:
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Leaflets ‘7 good reasons for not drilling in the Arctic:
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Initiates file downloadStudy on external costs of car use



 Initiates file downloadStudy on ships' emissions



Initiates file download- The vision scenario: a 100% renewable-energy based economy is possible.


Opens external link in new windowTHE GREEN NEW DEAL WEBSITE