
20. Nov. 2012 blog

Shale gas: MEPs must listen to their citizens’ demands!

Tomorrow, the European Parliament will vote on two shale gas reports. The Greens/ EFA group call on all Members to listen to their citizens´demands and support a moratorium on hydraulic fracking across Europe...  

14. Nov. 2012 blog

Bas Eickhout MEP: Postponing the auctioning of 900 million permits is clearly not sufficient to fix the ETS...

Bas Eickhout MEP, Green climate expert and EP draftsperson on the EU’s emissions targets, explains why the Commission`s decision to postpone the auctioning of 900 million permits is not enough to fix the European Emissions Trading System and why it is urgent to act if Europe wants to be able to fix its carbon market  

06. Nov. 2012 blog

UN climate talks: EU must prevent this decade from becoming a period of climate inaction!

From 26 November - 7 December 2012, the 18th Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Doha, Qatar. The Environment Committee has prepared a draft motion for a resolution, which will be voted in this morning...  

23. Oct. 2012 blog

2013 EU budget and MMF: the EU must show real vision and a clear strategy out of the crisis.

Today MEPs will vote on the Parliament’s position on the 2013 EU budget and the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2014-2020. In a time of crisis and serious difficulties for many European citizens, it is of crucial importance that Europe shows that it really has a long-term vision. Difficult times can also be seen as an opportunity to remedy all the economic issues that require solutions, for the better.  

08. Oct. 2012 blog

The Arctic ice melt: A wake up call, certainly not a business opportunity!

This Tuesday, MEPs on the energy committee are set to vote on draft EU legislation on offshore exploration. The Greens ask that the highest safety and standards are uniformly applied, full liability of operators for any environmental damage through mandatory financial security as well as a ban on any activities in very sensitive areas, including in the Arctic.  

02. Oct. 2012 blog

Nuclear power and the EU stress test: Do something, Mr Oettinger!

Tomorrow the European Commission will publish the final EU report on the nuclear stress tests. For the Greens in the European Parliament - who have seen the leaked document from the Commission - the disturbing results are no big surprise....  

17. Sep. 2012 blog

EP: Fierce backstage battle on the two shale gas reports

This week the European Parliament’s Industry Committee and Environment Committee will vote on reports on the ‘industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil’ and on the ‘environmental impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction activities’ respectively. The backstage battle around the two reports is fierce...  

04. Sep. 2012 blog

Informal UN climate negotiations in Bangkok: anything to hope for?

UN officials are currently attending a series of informal sessions in Thailand where they are preparing for the formal UNFCCC plenary talks that will take place end of November. With so little time left the Greens hope that tangible progress will be made on the key aspects of the negotiations.  

30. Aug. 2012 blog

Summer 2012 - global warming is getting more and more tangible...

Unprecedented heat across the globe, severe droughts affecting food crops and food prices, experts warning that the Arctic sea ice has reached new low... Climate change has never been as tangible as this summer  

10. Jul. 2012 blog

New fuel-efficient European cars: better cars that consume less fuel!

The European Commission is tomorrow expected to present a proposal on how Europe could reach the 95g/km emissions limit for new cars sold in the EU in 2020. The Greens, who had criticized the legislation adopted in 2008 for its lack of ambition, hope that the 2020 limit will be strengthened...  

28. Jun. 2012 blog

EU council: time for the EU leaders to endorse the green economy

Today and tomorrow, at the spring EU council meeting, European leaders are expected to agree on the European economic growth agenda, as well as discuss the EU budget for the years to come. Leaders are therefore under heavy pressure whilst simultaneously having a great opportunity to recognise the potential of early and effective climate action and make progress towards a green economy that will assist with economic recovery.  

25. Jun. 2012 blog

Our foolishness should not cost us the earth

RIO+ 20 is now over and its coutcomes are disappointing. One might argue that we need to be realistic and that these international processes need some time, that overly-ambitious decisions might lead to business and social difficulties; but has this current system not already demonstrated that it is neither economically nor environmentally sustainable?  

13. Jun. 2012 blog

Save energy... save money!

Today, the EU institutions have their final `trialogue discussions` to try and strike a deal on the Energy Efficiency Directive. The Greens/ EFA group has already underlined all the benefits that the EU and its citizens could gain from an ambitious text.  

06. Jun. 2012 blog

Renewable energy strategy: the EU can and should do much better

The Greens have always pushed the EU to very rapidly shift to a high-efficiency, renewable energy based economy. Today, the Commission presented a renewable energy strategy for the EU, but the proposal is too weak to be really able to foster the development of renewables accross Europe  

30. May. 2012 blog

Climate: Politics begin at home

The Environment Committee this morning voted in favour of strenghtening the Commission`s proposal on monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. The legislation aims to increase transparency and reliability of data, which in turn should aid implementation of existing rules and development of new policies.  

25. May. 2012 blog

Resource efficiency: European Parliament demands concrete action

Yesterday the Parliament voted on a report on resource efficiency. The Greens welcomes Parliament`s decision to strengthen some key aspects of the Commission`s proposal through concrete measures and clear targets for resource use.  

22. May. 2012 blog

Durban Platform - first discussions in Bonn: Which Future for the Kyoto Protocol?

The second and final week of the climate discussions in Bonn, Germany, has just started. The Greens want the EU to do its utmost to ensure that the new alliance delivers and that we avoid what some call the BAU scenario – Bonn As Usual....  

09. May. 2012 blog

Climate discussions: no backtracking by the EU!

Early this week, informal discussions took place in Brussels with Members of the "coalition of ambition" ahead of UN talks in Bonn. The Greens insist that Europe give concrete expression to this new alliance with least developped countries and that it continues to lead the climate debate forward...  

26. Apr. 2012 blog

26 years anniversary of Chernobyl: the damage is still far from over

Today, Ukraine will be marking the 26th Anniversary of the nuclear catastrophe that happened in Chernobyl, near the border of Belarus. Even after such a long time, the consequences of the nuclear disaster have not yet been eliminated....  

23. Apr. 2012 blog

Let`s not frack it all up!

Despite on what is often said, shale gas is clearly not a solution to our ever growing energy needs and its development will even create more problems with dramatic consequences for the environment, health and safety and the climate....