
27. Mar. 2015 blog

WWF Earth Hour 2015: Why Europe should reduce its energy consumption all year long

Every year WWF organises Earth hour, an initiative launched in 2007 and aiming at raising awareness about climate change and on the necessity to save energy and our natural resources. For the Greens in the European Parliament, energy saving is one of the most important battles in the EU institutions. The group has always fought to ensure that as much energy as possible is saved. Here are the reasons why it is time for energy saving to become the norm in Europe.  

11. Mar. 2015 blog

Fukushima: Time to switch power source

Today marks the 4th year anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. In Japan, the situation is far from being back to normal. The health impacts on the local population have increased and the impacts on the local economy are equally threatening. Despite this catastrophe, which shows once again that this energy source is far too dangerous and costly, some European governments and EU officials are still not bold enough to put an end to it: they continue to bow down to the nuclear lobby, agreeing to give them large direct and indirect subsidies...  

06. Mar. 2015 blog

Energy union: Which role for the transport sector?

Today the EU environment ministers met to discuss last week’s proposals from the EU Commission on the Energy Union as well as on the EU's contribution to the global emission reduction that is needed to limit global warming below 2°C. When it comes to transport, the Greens think that some better ideas should be promoted...  

25. Feb. 2015 blog

Energy and Climate Union: The EU should be bolder and more innovative and invest massively into its potential and its people!

Today the European Commission presented its communication on the Energy and Climate Union. The Green group in the European Parliament regret that the proposal continues supporting the energy sources of the past, which are expensive, dangerous and extremely harmful for our environment and for our climate ...  

13. Feb. 2015 blog

Climate: Let’s use our money wisely! Let’s divest!

Despite that some constructive proposals have been put forward at the new round of climate negotiations that is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, a growing number of citizens are getting tired of these never ending talks. This is the reason why some citizens and businessmen have decided to take the lead themselves and are now calling for divestment...  

10. Feb. 2015 blog

Climate negotiations / Geneva - the phase out of fossil fuel emissions & phase in of 100% renewable energy by 2050 should be the long-term goal of 2015 agreement

The clock is ticking for the negotiators who need to agree on an ambitious deal in Paris at the end of the year. Last Sunday, a new round of international climate negotiations started in Geneva, Switzerland, and will last until Friday 13th February. Negotiators have only six days to narrow down the 38-page text agreed in Lima into a shorter and clearer legal negotiating text.  

30. Jan. 2015 blog

The OECD negotiations must turn away from the most polluting source of energy and ban all support to coal fired power plants.

On 30th January the Greens took the initiative, supported by colleagues from other political groups, to write to the European Commission demanding that the EU puts an end to public subsidies in the form of export credits for coal fired power plants...  

20. Jan. 2015 blog

Energy giant Repsol abandons oil and gas exploration in Canary Island waters!

Last Friday energy giant Repsol announced that it was putting an end to its oil and gas exploration in Canary Island waters, saying that reserves are too small and of too poor quality. The Greens - who have supported the local resistance groups against drilling in this region- will continue their advocacy work for this important cause, pressing the European Commission to take a clear stand and move towards an EU-wide ban of such projects in the future, in the Canary islands and elsewhere.  

14. Jan. 2015 blog

A Green European Energy Union: A strong common project & vision for the EU

In 2015, energy is one of the most pressing issues Europe must face. Europe´s ageing fossil energy system and infrastructure can no longer be maintained, for competitiveness, environmental and safety reasons. Today´s new economic, energy dependency, climate change democratic and social challenges all require new solutions...  

09. Jan. 2015 blog

Pretending to "fight" against global warming while investing in fracking and nuclear: total nonsense!

The UK Government - which has often proclaimed itself to be a leading country in the fight against climate change - recently published a non-paper on a European Energy Union, calling for a future Energy Union which would allow the country to develop its pro-nuclear, pro-shale gas and pro-CCS agenda. The words "shale gas" appear nine times in eight pages, in three of the five pillars of the energy union...  

14. Dec. 2014 blog

COP20 - The final hours…

The climate summit in Lima will probably probably continue until Sunday. Last night the poorer countries expressed too many objections to the draft ADP text, which will be the text that will have to be agreed upon at the climate summit in 2015 in Paris.  

12. Dec. 2014 blog

COP20: Success in Paris next year will depend on the agreement in Lima

We are now quickly approaching the end of the COP20. While it is clear that negotiators will be able to strike some kind of deal in Lima, it is important to underline the importance of making serious good progress on all these three elements: the draft text agreement for the 2015 agreement, the ADP decision on INDCs and a agreement on a pre-2020 work plan to close the mitigation gap.  

11. Dec. 2014 blog

Let’s stop subsidizing the past!

Richest states promised to phase out fossil fuel in 2009 and reinterred their promise last year. However, the various reports on the subject compiled by NGOs, think tanks or banks cannot be clearer: only very little has been done at national level. If the world is serious about agreeing on a climate deal that will limit global warming well below 2°C it is about time for action.  

10. Dec. 2014 blog

Climate March in Lima: Citizens are on the move, but what about our climate negotiators?

Next year Paris cannot and should not be Copenhagen, neither in the expectations, in the preparation process nor in the mobilisations. As we are in the middle of the political segment of COP20, a new large-scale citizen mobilisation is taking place today to remind our negotiators on the emergency to act but also to show them that a growing number of people is now pushing for the transition to a green economy. So what exactly are our Heads of States and governments waiting for?  

09. Dec. 2014 blog

The Green Climate fund – A key element to strike an ambitious climate deal in Paris

With the announcement by Norway at COP20 last Friday to contribute with $258 million dollars the Green Climate Fund has now almost received the $10 billion demanded by its board before the end of this year. However too many unclear elements remain to ensure trust between the developped countries and more vulnerable states and thus good progress and success of the future climate deal.  

07. Dec. 2014 blog

COP 20 in Lima must be more than a dress rehearsal

After quite some celebration, media hype and self-gratulations over the US and China deal, time for a cold shower: the prospects of a Paris 2015 agreement that delivers a path to a below 2°C warming are anything but certain. This negotiation round, Conference of Parties in Lima, Peru, that started last Monday will need to deliver key decisions to know wether the pledges, such as those made by US and China, will match what climate science says is necessary.  

12. Nov. 2014 blog

China and United States start the clock for upping ambition on the road to Paris

Today US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have made joint announcements about commitments they make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to cooperate in climate technologies. The Greens welcome that the world's two biggest emitters commit to climate action and global agreement in Paris 2015. However, they also remind that their announcements, as well as the EU Council proposal made some weeks ago, are not sufficient to maintain global warming below 2C...  

15. Oct. 2014 blog

The 2030 framework: European heads of state must show climate leadership

On 23 and 24 October 2014, our leaders are expected to decide on Europe’s future action to avoid dangerous global temperature rise. While the proposed target of reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 is clearly insufficient to tackle climate change, some governments are trying to water this target down even further. They want to carry-over the hot air from the current EU climate framework, thereby putting a dark shadow over EU’s 2030 climate target.  

07. Oct. 2014 blog

Shale gas in Europe? No fracking way!

This year again, Global Frackdown - an international day of action against fracking, shale gas and the development of unconventional oil and gas - will take place on 11th October. Today two EU NGOs - FOEE and Food & Water Europe - organised an action in front of the European Parliament in Brussels in order to alert European deputies on all the risks concerning shale gas and fracking. The Green Members joined them to show their solidarity with the anti-fracking movement.  

30. Sep. 2014 blog

"Canete? niete!"

Last week, the Greens decided to write to President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to express their some of their biggest worries regarding the future college of the European Commission and its 'mission' and structure in particular. While the Greens have many uncertainties about a series of candidates, they have particular concerns over Miguel Arias Cañete, who could be attributed the European Commission's portfolio on climate and energy...