
16. Mar. 2016 blog


In spite of mounting evidence to the contrary, the European Commission is still dreaming of a nuclear Europe...  

09. Mar. 2016 blog

Remembering Fukushima and Chernobyl: time for a rethink on nuclear

Over the next few weeks the world will commemorate the anniversary of two catastrophes: the fifth anniversary of Fukushima on Friday 11 March and the 30th of Chernobyl on Tuesday 26 April.  

04. Mar. 2016 blog

After the environment council debate on COP21 EU states must now stand up for the implications & opportunities of the Paris Agreement for Europe

Green Member of the European Parliament Yannick Jadot reacts to the European Commission's recent assessment of the UN climate deal for Europe and the public debate hold by the Environment council this morning....  

03. Mar. 2016 blog

'Alliance of Regions for Phasing out Nuclear Power across Europe' send strong signal to EU politicians

Yesterday a very powerful message was sent to EU leaders against nuclear energy. The ‘Alliance of Regions for Phasing out Nuclear Power across Europe’ (which includes the regions of Bade-Wurttemberg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine Westphalia, Upper Austria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Thuringia, the German-speaking community of Belgium and Saarland) signed a declaration opposing a pro-nuclear path for Europe's energy policy and called on the EU to fully embrace the energy transition...  

12. Dec. 2015 blog

COP21 - Paris agreement points the direction for the transformation of our economies

The long awaited COP is now finished and the Paris agreement has just been agreed unanimously and with a lot of emotions. The deal is considered to be the best that could be reached. Paris does mark the entry into a new area, where there is clearly no place for fossil fuels anymore.  

11. Dec. 2015 blog

COP21: Time for countries’ leaders to have their climate moment!

Last night at 9 pm, the French Presidency provided a new draft through the ‘Comite de Paris’. It was then announced that an ‘Indaba of solutions’ would take place all night in order to try and find an agreement on the most problematic elements: differentiation, ambition and finance. At this time, France still hoped to present a final deal on Friday evening. But things have not gone as initially planned....  

09. Dec. 2015 blog

COP21 - We are now at a crossroad

A cleaner version of the draft Paris text as been presented today at 3pm. Countries have been given until 8pm tonight to react. Clearly, we are now in a crossroad. States can either decide to agree on some empty deal that does not fix any of the huge challenges we are facing if the temperatures keep on increasing or to go for the most ambitious options possible and limit the most catastrophic impacts of climate change....  

08. Dec. 2015 blog

COP21- the EU could do far more to help the negotiations

Day 2 of the final week. Despite a recent announcement of a deal made with the ACP countries the EU seems rather absent. Why is this so? Maybe because the EU has brought the same arguments for too long. Perhaps good time for a reality check...  

07. Dec. 2015 blog

COP21 – the pressure is already high on ministers

The second and final week has just started and the French Presidency is already putting a lot of pressure on ministers. After all it’s French diplomacy as much as climate change that is at stake at COP21…  

30. Nov. 2015 blog

COP21 Leaders event - Summary of our analyses

Today about 150 leaders have given a speech on how important the fight against climate change is and how proactive they will all be to reduce and limit the world's carbon emissions. Our Green climate spokesperson Yannick Jadot has provided an analysis of some of the Key players such as China, the US, Russia, Canada... through the day. Here is our assessment of this opening event. The COP21 has only started. Now it remains to be seen whether these promises will actually be delivered and whether these key countries will actually really do their best to make the Paris deal a success....  

30. Nov. 2015 blog

Live blog - reporting from the 'Leaders event' at COP21

Today is the beginning of COP21, follow our live blog and watch out for leaders climate moments! Our Green Climate spokesperson Yannick Jadot is sharing his reactions - In French-live from le Bourget / COP21  

13. Oct. 2015 blog

EP vote on COP21 - The EU cannot afford to fail a second time

This Wednesday during a mini plenary, the European Parliament is to debate and vote on a report on the international climate agreement that is to be sealed in Paris at the COP21 in December. While the mood has changed since the last key summit that took place in Copenhagen 6 years ago, the EU cannot afford to miss the boat on another key event within its borders...  

24. Sep. 2015 blog

Renewable energy: Positive brainstorming session for Energy Ministers under Luxembourgish Presidency

On 23 September, the Luxembourguish Deputy Prime Minister Etienne Schneider invited his fellow energy Ministers from the 28 member states to attend an informal energy Council and brainstorm about investment in energy efficiency and energy savings. Ministers listened to inspirational speeches from Bertrand Piccard, Elon Musk, Jeremy Rifkin and other experts who drew their attention to the fact that efficiency, renewables and storage are the only solutions to limit global warming and that these will be at the heart of the energy system of tomorrow.  

17. Sep. 2015 blog

Environmental council - The EU, this climate leader?

This Friday, EU environment ministers are to vote on the EU’s position on COP21. With only two months remaining before the official start of the COP21 in Paris, the Greens hope that the political leaders will understand the urgency of the situation and agree on an ambitious text....  

11. Sep. 2015 blog

Parliamentary delegations: Climate change is a security threat – EU needs to act

At last week-end Inter-Parliamentary conference on the Common Foreign and Security Policy organized by the Luxembourg Presidency, national delegations from 28 EU Member States reached extremely progressive conclusions on climate change, security and migration...  

04. Sep. 2015 blog

Climate Change - a serious threat to international security

Climate change is now widely recognised as being an essential threat to global security, peace and stability. The current inability of the EU to come up with adequate response to the flow of refugees fleeing to Europe has also put climate change in direct relation to the issue of migration....  

29. Jun. 2015 blog

Climate change –awareness is increasing among people, what about the governments?

Although the climate negotiations are still challenging with several countries refusing to make a bigger effort to play their part and reduce their pollution, many important positive developments have taken place in the last weeks and days...  

05. Jun. 2015 blog

G7 leaders: No more stereotyped languages on climate change – Say goodbye to fossil fuels!

This Sunday the G7 leaders will meet for 2 days in Bavaria, Germany, to discuss everything from health, gender inequality and climate change. The Greens hope that this time world leaders will discuss the global economy and foreign policy challenges in the context of a global warming, which only exacerbates these issues. Continuing to tackle every key subjects separately without realising that all of these are linked – that climate change will have a disastrous impact on our economy, our health, exacerbate conflicts across the world and increase migration flows and (gender) inequality – does not make any sense....  

13. May. 2015 blog

GOOD NIGHT – GOOD TRAIN! A plea to revitalise European night trains

Within the rail industry, over-night services have been a trademark and feature characteristic of European travel culture for over 100 years. Developing railways within the public transport system is an investment into the future of our societies, regions and people. However, throughout the last couple of years, there has been a tendency across Europe to discontinue and cut back cross-border and long distance conventional train services, including night trains, Intercity (IC) and Eurocity (IC) connections.  

21. Apr. 2015 blog

Earth Day: because - yes indeed – we do only have one planet.

Today is Earth Day, the 45th anniversary of this vitally important occasion. Some of us might wonder about the usefulness of having ‘special days’, often fearing that too many of these events – which are supposed to help raise awareness of an urgent issue - might be lost in the huge number of other events and different claims and therefore be counter-productive. However, this special day offers us a good opportunity to pause for a second and reflect upon the current state of the only planet we have and on which we are entirely dependent...