
09. May. 2017 blog

Ensuring transparency, balanced participation and ethical decision-making in the UNFCCC

This week kicks off the intersessional climate change conference in Bonn, Germany. Every year, negotiators and technical experts meet to chisel out the next steps in global climate policy. But who exactly is present in these discussions? Is this space really free from the fossil fuel lobby? Unfortunately this is not yet the case....  

22. Mar. 2017 blog

EU Energy Union - Why Europe needs reliable and transparent governance to achieve energy and climate objectives

Last November, the European Commission presented its so-called ‘winter energy package’. The Luxembourgish Green MEP Claude Turmes has been appointed rapporteur on Energy governance, a file which is of utmost importance to making the Green energy transition a reality and which could offer fresh perspectives for future investors and strongly improve the quality of life of all EU citizens. Our objective is to achieve a net zero carbon economy by 2050 at the latest, in line with COP 21. The first debate on this file will take place on Thursday 23 March.  

15. Mar. 2017 blog

Europe must ban drilling in the Arctic!

The Arctic melt is an urgent wake-up call to the world, and should not be seen as a business opportunity. The Greens are calling on the European Parliament to prevent dirty lobby from putting the Arctic even more at risk than it already is.  

10. Mar. 2017 blog

Remember Fukushima, 6 years ago....

This Saturday will be the anniversary of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi I Nuclear Plant, which was due to the Tohoku earthquake and a 15-meter tsunami on 11 march 2011...  

15. Dec. 2016 blog

EU ETS: A decent balance but a long way to go to finally make polluters pay

The European Parliament’s Environment Committee has voted today on the reform of the key EU instrument to fight against climate change: the Emissions Trading System (ETS). We need a complete overhaul to make ETS the climate policy flagship it is claimed to be. The vote today has been a first step to align the EU to the commitments we made in the Paris Agreement, but there is a long way to go to go to make sure we make polluters pay. Let’s ensure this is just the beginning!  

29. Nov. 2016 blog

The Commission’s Winter Package: world number one in renewable energies, really?

The European Commission is due to unveil its so-called Winter Package tomorrow. The details of the package will be of crucial importance for fulfilling the commitments we made in the Paris Agreement. A lack of ambition, weaker governance and more market barriers for renewables, together with disguised subsidies for coal and the maintenance of privileges for nuclear energy and fossil fuels are the key ingredients of this Winter Package.  

18. Nov. 2016 blog

End of COP22: start of an unstoppable transition

After two thrilling weeks, COP22 is coming to an end. This COP started celebrating last year’s major change in global attitudes towards climate change, which led to the early entry into force of the Paris Agreement. Today, we can confirm it: the momentum is just growing.  

17. Nov. 2016 blog

COP22: 2050, the direction of the boat's course

Early action to combat climate change is essential. The urgency of climate change is uncontested and we all know that we don’t have any longer much time to waste. A barely perceived change in the direction of a boat’s course can change dramatically its final destination over a long enough period of time. However, long-term strategies are not less important. Any good plan needs a North Star to follow, a direction to take in order to guide immediate action: the reassurance that we are on the right path.  

16. Nov. 2016 blog

COP22: A new era for the EU-Africa cooperation in the energy field?

Helping Africa accelerating its energy transition is indispensable while climate negotiations are on-going in Marrakech. As 16 November is the so-called “Africa day” at COP 22, several options are on the table to put energy efficiency, renewables and grid development in focus.  

15. Nov. 2016 blog

COP22: Words are good. Financing is better

Heads of state and ministers from all over the globe have arrived to Marrakech this morning. They have come among other things to attend a high-level meeting that will take place tomorrow in Marrakech and will possibly be one of the most important discussions of COP22: a dialogue about climate finance and the $100 billion roadmap.  

14. Nov. 2016 blog

COP22: EU, don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today

Today, the second week of COP22 has started. The real economy is proving to move faster than politics and early action is demonstrating to be vital to accomplish what we committed to in the Paris Agreement. 2018 is the perfect time to improve and revise all national commitments and review ambition before countries submit their final commitments for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.  

07. Nov. 2016 blog

Start of COP22: a day to celebrate

The last year has seen a major change in global attitudes towards climate change and how to tackle it. This change started after the Paris Agreement - the first globally binding agreement to fight climate change - was reached in December 2015. Today, COP22 kicks off in Marrakesh, Morocco. COP22 is the time to start turning words into action and to build upon what was agreed in Paris last year.  

12. Oct. 2016 blog

F-gas regulation proves environmental policy does make a difference

In 2013, Green Member of the European Parliament Bas Eickhout co-authored European legislation to reduce the use of F-gases, extremely powerful greenhouse gases. His legislation is probably the most ambitious climate legislation the EU has adopted in recent years. Recent research shows that the legislation has had a positive effect on the green economy in Europe, in contradiction to warnings by lobbyists, and now the legislation is copied across the world.  

27. Sep. 2016 blog

Planes need to stop existing in a parallel universe when it comes to the climate fight

Curbing flight emissions is essential to meeting the Paris pact, but planes are completely absent from the text, face no legal fuel efficiency requirements or limits on CO2 emissions. But all that is about to change  

02. Sep. 2016 blog

G20 Summit: the time to turn rhetoric into practice

G20 matters for energy and climate. That is why — alongside global growth and strengthened financial systems — Green Finance, fossil fuel subsidies and the Paris Agreement need to be key to the discussions at the G20 Summit on the 4th and 5th of September.  

20. Jul. 2016 blog

Nuclear energy belongs to the past

The World Nuclear Industry report is issued every year and delivers precious information regarding the development of the nuclear industry globally. The Greens/EFA group has supported this project for many years.  

07. Jul. 2016 blog

Rule of King Coal in Europe comes at a high price for climate and health

Despite the Paris Agreement, King coal continues to rule across Europe. In a story published on 5 July 2016, French newspaper Le Monde reports on the daily struggles of people living in the coal heartlands of the Western Balkans.  

30. Jun. 2016 blog

The Carbon Bubble’s recognition in EU law: A divestment movement’s victory

This week we can celebrate a victory: For the first time the European Union has recognised the issue of the ‘carbon bubble’ in EU law, and this has come about thanks to the Greens.  

16. Jun. 2016 blog

Paris Agreement’s Ratification: Every Minute Counts

With the European Commission's proposal to ratify the Paris Agreement early, it is time for the EU Council to ensure the European Union doesn't get left behind.  

14. Apr. 2016 blog

No special treatment for polluters: EU Council in Amsterdam needs to reign in emissions from aviation and shipping

Today and tomorrow EU environment and transport ministers hold a joint meeting to follow-up on the Paris Climate Conference (COP21), and discuss the future of aviation and shipping. Ahead of this meeting, the Greens in the European Parliament warn that the current proposals from both the aviation and maritime sectors to reduce their emissions fall far short of their fair share of efforts towards the global climate goals that world leaders agreed in Paris last December...