
17. Dec. 2008 blog

EU climate legislation limps through formality of European Parliament vote

With national governments having effectively issued a dictat on the content of the EU climate package, MEPs rubber stamped the legislation in a largely ceremonial vote...  

16. Dec. 2008 blog

Sizing up the EU climate policies ahead of the European Parliament vote

MEPs are set to vote on the EU`s climate package of climate legislation, following the intervention by heads of state and government to seriously water down the proposals...  

12. Dec. 2008 blog

UN climate talks sputter on despite industrialised country laggards

The slow pace of progress at the UN climate talks in Poznan has been largely a result of the intransigence of industrialised countries but there are some causes for optimism...  

10. Dec. 2008 blog

Poznan climate talks risk taking climate negotiations a step backwards

Developed countries are holding back climate negotiations and jeopardising chances for a deal in 2009 as environment ministers start rolling into town...  

08. Dec. 2008 blog

Footing the bill for climate action

Its the start of the second week of this year`s UN climate talks in Poznan and the men with the money have rolled into town for the finance ministers` meeting...  

05. Dec. 2008 blog

Yes we can, but no we won`t - EU climate package for shredding

At the end of the first week of global climate talks in Poznan, the credibility of the EU`s claimed leadership on climate change is in tatters - a bit like its proposed climate legislation...  

02. Dec. 2008 blog

EU climate policy starts to look like an empty shell

At the same time as international climate talks have kicked off in Poznan, the EU`s climate package of legislation is being picked to pieces...  

25. Nov. 2008 blog

No sweetener for watering down rules for polluting cars

The Council has adopted a take-it-or-leave-it approach with regard to its proposal to water down EU rules on reducing car emissions but there is no sweetener...  

18. Nov. 2008 blog

Brickwalling and the negotiations on the EU`s climate package

We are in the endgame of the negotiations for the EU`s climate package but EP negotiators haven`t given up on an ambitious climate policy yet, despite pressure from Council...  

13. Nov. 2008 blog

Nothing strategic about Commission`s energy outlook

The European Commission`s 2nd Strategic Energy Review, presented today, is based on flawed assumptions and skewed research, yet it is supposed to be the blueprint for EU energy policy...  

11. Nov. 2008 blog

EU car rules head down one way street

As negotiations to finalise EU legislation on car CO2 emissions progress, there are fears that carmakers will again be let off the hook...  

07. Nov. 2008 blog

Crucial talks on climate legislation begin

As negotiations get underway this week to finalise the EU`s climate package, there are real concerns that the end agreement will be based on the lowest common denominator...  

16. Oct. 2008 blog

French presidency proposing to scale back climate policy

The French presidency is proposing to scale back the EU`s climate package of legislation, as it scrambles to produce a hasty agreement on the package...