
19. May. 2009 blog

US emissions legislation to make same mistakes as EU counterpart

Draft US climate legislation, including a cap and trade system, looks set to make the same mistakes as the EU model. A new compromise envisages the free allocation of permits to polluters...  

14. May. 2009 blog

Lobby, spin and greenwash - the ugly face of climate policy

The past 12 months have seen intensive lobbying from polluting industries to water down climate legislation in the EU, the US and elsewhere. Not only that but they all claim to be green...  

11. May. 2009 blog

Counting down to a UN climate deal in Copenhagen

We`re over 6 months away from Copenhagen, but much of the work for a global climate deal needs to be finalised over the next 6 weeks. With national positions now clearer, where do we stand?  

28. Apr. 2009 blog

MEPs set to rubberstamp flawed EU economic recovery plan

After more than 3 months of huffing and puffing, the proposed €5 billion recovery package is set to be signed off by MEPs next week. Regrettably the fundamental flaws remain...  

21. Apr. 2009 blog

Emissions from deforestation - far from out of the woods

MEPs have voted on new laws to outlaw the import of illegal timber to the EU. However, efforts to solve the issue of emissions from deforestation at international level remain fraught...  

15. Apr. 2009 blog

Opposition scaled up to proposed changes to EU energy label

MEPs are rallying to object to a European Commission proposal to revise the EU`s rules for labelling energy-using products. The proposed changes risk creating confusion among consumers...  

06. Apr. 2009 blog

Are things moving in the wrong way for a climate deal?

Just 8 months before the deadline for an international climate deal, the signs - both from the G20 and the current UNFCCC talks - are not promising...  

31. Mar. 2009 blog

EU energy legislation setting the wrong priorities

Key energy laws have moved a step closer to reality. But the votes on building efficiency rules, energy market liberalisation and an economic stimulus for the energy sector are a setback...  

24. Mar. 2009 blog

Talking about a (climate) revolution?

The clock is ticking towards the deadline for a global climate deal and concerns are growing that our politicians will not get their act together in time. Has democracy failed?  

16. Mar. 2009 blog

Climate fudge set to be served up by EU leaders

This week`s EU summit is set to decide on the EU position for the crucial UNFCCC climate talks, set to conclude in Copenhagen this year, but don`t hold your breath...  

09. Mar. 2009 blog

Economic plan should stimulate sustainable recovery, not prolong pain

The proposed EU economic recovery plan survived a meeting of EU finance ministers but surgery is needed before EU governments sign off on the €5 billion package...  

03. Mar. 2009 blog

The buck is passed on climate financing

EU environment ministers dodged the bullet and avoided making any decision on the EU position on financing for the international UN climate negotiations at their Council meeting...  

24. Feb. 2009 blog

If nuclear is the answer, the question is not about climate policy

Prominent environmentalists have recently started coming out in favour of nuclear, citing climate concerns as the reason. But this ideological u-turn ignores the realities of nuclear power...  

18. Feb. 2009 blog

Seeing the wood from the trees

Green MEPs are trying to strengthen new EU legislation aimed at clamping down on illegal logging. With deforestation such a major driver of climate change, robust rules are vital...  

16. Feb. 2009 blog

More than just a label

A proposal from the European Commission to revise the EU`s rules for labelling certain energy-using products based on their efficiency risks undermining the whole scheme. If it ain`t broke...  

03. Feb. 2009 blog

Time to chop `cap and trade`? Not so fast

Concerns persist about the EU`s emissions trading scheme and the carbon market, while prominent climate figures question the viability of cap and trade. However, it still may be our best bet...  

26. Jan. 2009 blog

EU must regain lost ground on the road to a global climate deal

The Commission is set to present proposals on the EU position for the UN climate talks in Copenhagen this year. The EU has its work cut out to regain some of the credibility lost last year...  

21. Jan. 2009 blog

Looking to the past to secure the EU`s energy future

With the EU set to decide on its long-term energy strategy in March, MEPs have adopted a backward-looking report that foresees coal and nuclear at the heart of EU energy policy...  

16. Jan. 2009 blog

German centre-right MEPs want to keep us in the dark ages

Phasing-out inefficient light bulbs makes sense for the economy and the climate. However, a few German centre-right MEPs are trying to block an EU phase-out of the most energy wasting bulbs...  

07. Jan. 2009 blog

Russia-Ukraine gas dispute a major challenge for EU energy policy

There is a sense of déjà vu about the current gas dispute, which now seriously threatens gas supplies to Europe. Clearly, some lessons of the previous dispute in 2006 still need to be learned...