
06. Jul. 2010 blog

EU fuel rules must not turn blind eye to dirty, damaging tar sands oil

A group of MEPs is threatening to block EU implementing rules on fuel quality legislation if loopholes allowing climate-damaging oil from tar sands are not removed...  

30. Jun. 2010 blog

EU persistence with fossil fuel subsidies at odds with climate and energy goals

Just as the G20 wants to phase-out fossil fuel subsidies, the EU Commission is set to propose extending subsidies for coal. This flies in the face of our energy and climate goals...  

23. Jun. 2010 blog

More ambitious emissions rules would spur development of more efficient vans

MEPs are considering proposed EU rules on van CO2 emissions this week. New research shows more that more ambitious limits are already technically possible...  

09. Jun. 2010 blog

Bio-fooled: proposal on EU criteria would allow damaging unsustainable biofuels

The EU Commission is set to propose how so-called `sustainability criteria` should apply to biofuels. Major loopholes mean the proposals would lead to anything but sustainable biofuels...  

07. Jun. 2010 blog

EU carbon tax would spur green innovation and help realise climate goals

The EU Commission is expected to outline proposals to revise current EU energy tax rules to introduce a carbon component. Getting the rate right will be crucial to its effectiveness...  

31. May. 2010 blog

Better late than never: energy saving to get support from EU recovery package

Energy saving and renewables are set to get a share of the EU economic recovery package a year after it was agreed under a commission proposal to reallocate unspent funds...  

27. May. 2010 blog

Back to the drawing board for the UN climate talks

The UNFCCC talks swing back into action on Monday. After the political deadlock in Copenhagen, the negotiations will hopefully start to focus on the details...  

20. May. 2010 blog

EU needs to dismantle smokescreens and deliver on climate pledges

The EU is set to fall short on its climate aid pledges it emerged this week. Next week, the EU Commission will make the case for stepping up to the pledged 30% emissions target...  

11. May. 2010 blog

Cables for carbon? EU energy firms could hijack power lines planned for southern solar

Plans to import solar power to the EU from North Africa are again in the spotlight. But there are worrying signs energy utilities could use the cables to import dirty electricity to the EU...  

06. May. 2010 blog

Putting a cork in it: CO2 emissions performance standards and EU energy policy

CO2 emissions performance standards for power generation remain on the agenda after an EP vote: good news for this effective tool for tackling energy emissions and promoting low-carbon power...  

28. Apr. 2010 blog

Transport emissions rising but the EU Commission dodges the difficult questions

New research reveals emissions from transport in Europe are continuing to rise. The EU Commission`s new strategy on `clean` vehicles falls short of a comprehensive response though...  

23. Apr. 2010 blog

Having your cake and eating it: industry and climate change regulation

The chemical industry is engaging in a cynical and clever lobbying campaign against climate change legislation. Other heavy industry sectors in the EU continue to want it both ways too...  

13. Apr. 2010 blog

EU must shift policy priority to make renewable energy economy a reality

A new study has demonstrated that a power system based entirely on renewable energy is possible and would bring comprehensive benefits for Europe. But the EU has to get the policy right....  

08. Apr. 2010 blog

UN climate talks revive to face up to Copenhagen hangover

The UNFCCC will meet for the first time this year in Bonn this weekend. Plotting the course of the climate talks for 2010 will be no easy task, with Copenhagen still looming large in the rearview mirror...  

29. Mar. 2010 blog

Coal-fired power set to profit again under the name of climate protection

MEPs can stop coal-fired power being the overwhelming winner of a funding mechanism to support new low emissions technologies. The Greens want the EU parliament to oppose another payday for CCS...  

24. Mar. 2010 blog

EU climate goals 3 years on - sliding back after Copenhagen

3 years since Europe`s 2020 climate goals were agreed, and 3 months on from Copenhagen, this week`s `Spring Summit` looks like continuing the scale back of ambitions for EU climate policy...  

17. Mar. 2010 blog

Wanted: clear roadmap for UN climate talks through to COP16 in Cancun

With the UN climate talks adrift, there is an urgent need to clearly define what the talks should deliver in 2010. The issues remain the same but there must be commitment to resolve them...  

08. Mar. 2010 blog

EU Commission wants stronger role in UN climate talks

The EU Commission is to set out its post-Copenhagen strategy. It calls for a stronger role for the Commission in the UN talks but also confirms scaled-back ambitions for a deal in 2010...  

03. Mar. 2010 blog

Europe 2020 strategy a recipe for inaction on the climate and environment

The proposed Europe 2020 strategy sends worrying signals about the `vision` of the new EU Commission for the climate and environment...  

24. Feb. 2010 blog

EU must not drop ambition for UN climate deal in 2010

Just as the UN climate negotiations are being put back on track, there are signs the EU is giving up ambitions for agreeing a climate deal in 2010. The EU should be driving the talks forward, not the opposite...