
10. Feb. 2011 blog

Prince Charles: "Make it cool to use less stuff"

The Prince of Wales attended a high profile summit in the European Parliament yesterday and called on MEPs to be courageous enough and make the right decisions to tackle climate change.  

07. Feb. 2011 blog

EU Energy Summit: no real move forward

Another opportunity was missed last week at the EU Energy Summit. If the Council reiterated its commitment to strong greenhouse gas reductions by 2050, it failed to recognise that the EU`s current 2020 goals are not in line with this objective...  

11. Dec. 2010 blog

Drama averted as Cancun climate talks reach better than expected deal

The UN climate talks are set to continue working towards a global climate agreement after the COP16 ended with an outcome that exceeded earlier expectations…  

10. Dec. 2010 blog

Clock ticks down in Cancun as closed-door diplomatic haggling continues

With hours to go before the official end of the COP16 climate summit, behind the scenes negotiations continue. Signs are the brinksmanship will continue into the night...  

09. Dec. 2010 blog

Cancun climate talks high on spin but substantive progress remains elusive

Spin and intrigue are rife as the high-level section of the COP16 is in full swing. Unfortunately, progress on the key issues seems to be snail-paced…  

08. Dec. 2010 blog

UN climate talks shift to high-level mode as ministers and heads of state hit town

The high-level section of the COP16 in Cancun has begun amidst warnings against failure. It is still too early to call how the talks will end however…  

07. Dec. 2010 blog

Cancun climate talks close in on deal on monitoring and verification of climate actions

Hopes are high for an agreement on rules on how to assess and verify climate mitigation efforts. An MRV deal could pave the way for progress on other core issues…  

07. Dec. 2010 blog

Plugging the Kyoto loopholes – Cancun summit must address ‘hot air’ and LULUCF

There are growing fears that the COP16 will reach flawed agreements on the key issues of ‘surplus AAUs’ and accounting rules for emissions from forests and land use…  

05. Dec. 2010 blog

Cancun climate talks: Mexican presidency calms nerves ahead of ministers’ arrival

The UN climate talks are gearing up for the arrival of ministers amidst an atmosphere of cautious optimism. However, key stumbling blocks must still be negotiated…  

04. Dec. 2010 blog

Kyoto roadblock threatens to derail Cancun climate talks

The ongoing dispute over the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012 is threatening the UN climate talks as we head into the second week of the COP16 at Cancun...  

01. Dec. 2010 blog

Cancun climate aid: duplicitous approach on climate finance could derail talks

Familiar flash points are reemerging at the COP16 climate talks in Cancun. None more so than the issue of climate aid, where the EU has already ruffled feathers with its misguided spin...  

30. Nov. 2010 blog

REDD alert: Cancun climate talks must seal deal on deforestation

The COP16 at Cancun is aiming to agree on a number of `building blocks` for an overall climate deal. One of the most important of these is a framework on reducing emissions from deforestation...  

29. Nov. 2010 blog

Cancun climate talks must try and rebuild momentum for UN deal

As the UN climate summit kicks-off in Cancun, the prospect of a final agreement seems more distant than one year ago. The COP16 must stop the rot by producing decisions in key areas...  

10. Nov. 2010 blog

EU commission to outline backward-thinking approach on energy infrastructure

The EU Commission is set to present its communication on energy infrastructure priorities 2020-30. Leaks cast doubts that the Commission is preparing for a 21st century energy sector…  

26. Oct. 2010 blog

EU nuclear waste proposal attempts to bury real concerns

Leaks of proposed EU rules on nuclear waste reveal them to be little more than a PR exercise, giving the veneer of safety whilst failing to address the core issues on nuclear waste...  

18. Oct. 2010 blog

EU emissions pledge intransigence indefensible

The latest data on EU emissions underline that the 20% reduction target is completely obsolete. Despite calls from leading businesses for an increase, member states refuse to budge...  

06. Oct. 2010 blog

Next stop Cancun but not clear if all aboard for UN climate deal

An EU climate negotiator has given a stark warning on the UN climate talks at the latest round of negotiations in China. The EU is in no place to throw stones though...  

21. Sep. 2010 blog

Energy savings must be the foundation stone for all EU climate and energy policy

New research underlines the key role of energy efficiency for realising all the EU’s climate and energy goals. The Commission must reflect this in its energy efficiency action plan…  

06. Sep. 2010 blog

EU must get its act together before Cancun to help put climate talks back on track

The EU is starting to prepare its position for this December`s UN climate talks in Cancun. Getting its act together would help give fresh impetus to the negotiations...  

25. Aug. 2010 blog

Climate aid pledges still smack of accounting acrobatics

A good picture is emerging of pledged "fast start" climate aid to developing countries. Unfortunately, much of the aid is no more than the relabeling of existing development pledges...