13. Feb. 2013

For a bright, sustainable future

A Green way out of the crisis entails a comprehensive economic and social transformation that enables our societies to deliver prosperity, social justice and well being for all, while respecting the physical limits of our planet. This means promoting investment in order to transform our infrastructure and industries, boost education and innovation, strengthen social cohesion and protect our environment as well as our climate.


The Green Way Out Of The Crisis

26. Jan. 2012 blog

Great hopes for the new EU Presidency!

The new year is bringing some new hopes with the new Danish EU Presidency, and the Greens thus have great expectations for the six months to come....  

08. Jun. 2011 blog

For a fair, ambitious and effective post-2013 EU budget

The discussions on the EU Multiannual Financial Framework have started. If several Members States want to reduce of freeze the EU budget the Greens underline the necessity to rethink its structure in such a way that it becomes more transparent, more effective and that it really enables the EU to meet the social, energy and climate targets it has set to itself.