
13. Feb. 2013

Nuclear energy is not the solution to climate change

The Greens/EFA group has always opposed nuclear energy and instead defended and promoted a decentralised and transparent energy-provision system that is based on energy efficiency and renewable energies. For the Greens, this model based on 100% renewable energy combined with energy efficiency is at the core of the third industrial revolution and is the only path towards a sustainable economy for all.



06. Mar. 2013 video

When I think of Fukushima

Two years have passed since Japan experienced the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant on 11 March 2011. The images of the destroyed nuclear reactors remain in our heads, but we know little about the consequences on daily life in Japan today.

02. Oct. 2012 blog

Nuclear power and the EU stress test: Do something, Mr Oettinger!

Tomorrow the European Commission will publish the final EU report on the nuclear stress tests. For the Greens in the European Parliament - who have seen the leaked document from the Commission - the disturbing results are no big surprise....  

28. Jul. 2012 studies

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2012

The report provides a global overview of the history, the current status and trends of nuclear power programs in the world. It looks at units in operation and under construction. Annex 1 also provides detailed country-by-country information. A specific chapter assesses the situation in potential newcomer countries. For the first time, the report looks at the credit-rating performance of some of the major nuclear companies and utilities. A more detailed chapter on the development patterns of renewable energies versus nuclear power is also included  

26. Apr. 2012 blog

26 years anniversary of Chernobyl: the damage is still far from over

Today, Ukraine will be marking the 26th Anniversary of the nuclear catastrophe that happened in Chernobyl, near the border of Belarus. Even after such a long time, the consequences of the nuclear disaster have not yet been eliminated....