
13. Feb. 2013

Nuclear energy is not the solution to climate change

The Greens/EFA group has always opposed nuclear energy and instead defended and promoted a decentralised and transparent energy-provision system that is based on energy efficiency and renewable energies. For the Greens, this model based on 100% renewable energy combined with energy efficiency is at the core of the third industrial revolution and is the only path towards a sustainable economy for all.



01. Mar. 2016 studies

Flawed Reactor Pressure Vessels in the Belgian NPPS Doel 3 and Tihange 2

Belgian nuclear reactors: recent study confirms risks remain and reactors must be shut down. The third study in a series on the Belgian nuclear reactors Doel 3 and Tihange 2 was commissioned from materials scientist Dr Ilse Tweer. It presents new information on flaws in the reactor pressure vessels and underlines that continued operation of the reactors would be irresponsible.  

11. Mar. 2015 blog

Fukushima: Time to switch power source

Today marks the 4th year anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. In Japan, the situation is far from being back to normal. The health impacts on the local population have increased and the impacts on the local economy are equally threatening. Despite this catastrophe, which shows once again that this energy source is far too dangerous and costly, some European governments and EU officials are still not bold enough to put an end to it: they continue to bow down to the nuclear lobby, agreeing to give them large direct and indirect subsidies...  

11. Mar. 2014 webtools

11.03.2011 - Remember Fukushima

Three years have gone since the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant on 11th March 2011. Yet, the problems are very far from been solved and the neighborhoods are still bearing the scars of the earthquake and tsunami. Clearly, the world must learn lessons from the Fukushima catastrophe. The Greens demand that the EU turn its back to this dangerous and expensive energy source as quickly as possible and invest in renewable energy sources instead...  

19. Feb. 2014 newsletter