04. Sep. 2012
UN officials are currently attending a series of informal sessions in Thailand where they are preparing for the formal UNFCCC plenary talks that will take place end of November. With so little time left the Greens hope that tangible progress will be made on the key aspects of the negotiations.
30. Aug. 2012
Unprecedented heat across the globe, severe droughts affecting food crops and food prices, experts warning that the Arctic sea ice has reached new low... Climate change has never been as tangible as this summer
30. May. 2012
The Environment Committee this morning voted in favour of strenghtening the Commission`s proposal on monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. The legislation aims to increase transparency and reliability of data, which in turn should aid implementation of existing rules and development of new policies.
22. May. 2012
The second and final week of the climate discussions in Bonn, Germany, has just started. The Greens want the EU to do its utmost to ensure that the new alliance delivers and that we avoid what some call the BAU scenario – Bonn As Usual....