International Climate Negotiations

13. Feb. 2013

Working towards a fair and ambitious global Climate deal

The EU has a leading role to play in securing an international climate agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The adoption of a negotiations roadmap at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties meeting in Bali (COP13) in December 2007 paved the way for an international deal at the meeting of the COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. Regrettably, COP15 did not produce an agreement and the following COPs only managed to save the negotiation process, leaving the most pressing issue - namely the necessity for the world to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions so global warming can be limited to 2°C - completely aside.


International Climate Negotiations

07. May. 2013 blog

BONN: various possibilities, no concrete steps

Last week, more than 170 countries restarted negotiations on a 2015 climate deal at the World Conference Centre in Bonn. Despite the fact that the discussions went surprisingly well and that the meeting defined some flexible ways to fight climate change, there was no real breakthrough. Discussions at the next meeting in June need to be much more focused.  

15. Apr. 2013 blog

EU ETS: backloading must be the first step towards more ambitious structural changes

Tomorrow the Parliament is to vote on a proposal from the Commission to set aside a number of allowances to ensure the well functionning of the EU carbon market. The suppression of 900 million allowances from the beginning to the end of phase 3 (2013-2020) - while clearly not being sufficient - is absolutely necessary to prevent the current system from collapsing ....  

19. Mar. 2013 blog

Earth Hour 2013: "from 2030"

This year, the European Parliament will once again participate to `Earth Hour`: It will turn off all its lights on Saturday 23rd March from 20.30 to 21.30 to raise awareness about the importance of energy saving. The Greens welcome the move, but want to challenge the institution to go beyond the event to really ensure that Europe does reduce its energy consumption, not only for an hour but also all year long and for good!  

10. Jan. 2013 blog

No, climate change does not spare the richer countries....

Some decision-makers from the richest countries often seem to believe that whatever turns the climate will take, the world will always find a way to adapt to the changes. But the recent natural catastrophes in the US, Australia and in Europe shows that this is far from being so simple, even for those regions which have the means to invest in research and development, technologies and infrastructure....