International Climate Negotiations

13. Feb. 2013

Working towards a fair and ambitious global Climate deal

The EU has a leading role to play in securing an international climate agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The adoption of a negotiations roadmap at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties meeting in Bali (COP13) in December 2007 paved the way for an international deal at the meeting of the COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. Regrettably, COP15 did not produce an agreement and the following COPs only managed to save the negotiation process, leaving the most pressing issue - namely the necessity for the world to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions so global warming can be limited to 2°C - completely aside.


International Climate Negotiations

12. Jun. 2013 newsletter



04. Jun. 2013 blog

UN climate talks in Bonn. What role for the EU at the negotiation table?

Yesterday, negotiators reconvened in Bonn for another round of technical climate discussions that will last until 14th June. This time the key talking points of the meeting will focus on climate mitigation as well as on proposals on how to scale up renewable energy and energy efficiency policies...  

20. May. 2013 blog

The Arctic is in the spotlight, but sadly not for the good reasons.

With its ice melting at an unprecented rate, the Arctic region is attracting a growing number of actors. This is setting off a global competition for influence and economic opportunities far beyond the nations that border the Arctic. The Greens have for long warned about the necessity to protect this vulnerable region, which is also the first victim of climate change...  

16. May. 2013 newsletter