International Climate Negotiations

13. Feb. 2013

Working towards a fair and ambitious global Climate deal

The EU has a leading role to play in securing an international climate agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The adoption of a negotiations roadmap at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties meeting in Bali (COP13) in December 2007 paved the way for an international deal at the meeting of the COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. Regrettably, COP15 did not produce an agreement and the following COPs only managed to save the negotiation process, leaving the most pressing issue - namely the necessity for the world to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions so global warming can be limited to 2°C - completely aside.


International Climate Negotiations

11. Dec. 2017 blog

One Planet Summit - Money should only be used to support renewable energy sources

Following the COP23 and its new alliance, Powering Past Coal, signed by 25 entities to ensure the phasing out of coal from power generation by 2030, the goal of concrete, imminent action against global warming is being pursued in Paris at the One Planet Summit, on 12 December. The Greens urge leaders to turn away from all fossil fuels and support green energy sources...  

05. Dec. 2017 blog

Beyond coal - a sustainable alternative for Europe’s citizens

after the big announcement at COP23 of the creation of the “Powering Past Coal” Alliance, one could think that the phase out of coal is now clearly ongoing. Unfortunately there is always a risk to see these plans undermined and the Greens are working hard to ensure that all initiatives at EU level go in the right direction to ensure that coal regions in Europe and their inhabitants get the support they need and that all actors (miners and their families, local and regional representatives) are on board when it comes to deciding about their future.  

17. Nov. 2017 blog

Climate negotiations looking for strong leadership

We are now approaching the final hours of this 23rd round of negotiations. And despite what was initially thought, final outcomes are still hard to predict and the negotiations will not finish on Friday early evening as most participants had thought...  

14. Nov. 2017 blog

COP23: Where does Europe really stand?

Now that the US has decided to step out of the Paris climate agreement, the EU has an ever bigger responsibility in the fight against climate change. Europe must reclaim the mantle of world leader on the issue, but is it really doing so?