27. Mar. 2013

Yes, a 100% renewable energy Europe is possible!

The Greens have been calling for substantial investment in renewable energy for years. Not only is this source of energy greener and safer, it is also infinite and is reduces our import dependency. What’s more, it has already created half a million new jobs in the EU and could create even more in the future. In order to develop renewables further, long term objectives must be fixed in order to be able to make the specific and sound investments that are needed for the "energy revolution" to take place.


Green Energy Vision

06. Jun. 2012 blog

Renewable energy strategy: the EU can and should do much better

The Greens have always pushed the EU to very rapidly shift to a high-efficiency, renewable energy based economy. Today, the Commission presented a renewable energy strategy for the EU, but the proposal is too weak to be really able to foster the development of renewables accross Europe  

26. Jan. 2012 blog

Great hopes for the new EU Presidency!

The new year is bringing some new hopes with the new Danish EU Presidency, and the Greens thus have great expectations for the six months to come....  

09. Nov. 2011 webtools

The Green Race

A fun, informative and interactive tool showing which countries have already taken the lead in renewable energies. Bet on your favourite country and get an overview of the climate policies, research investments and green technologies development of other countries