27. Mar. 2013

Yes, a 100% renewable energy Europe is possible!

The Greens have been calling for substantial investment in renewable energy for years. Not only is this source of energy greener and safer, it is also infinite and is reduces our import dependency. What’s more, it has already created half a million new jobs in the EU and could create even more in the future. In order to develop renewables further, long term objectives must be fixed in order to be able to make the specific and sound investments that are needed for the "energy revolution" to take place.


Green Energy Vision

10. Jul. 2014 blog

'Åland ruling' - European Court of Justice confirms the compatibility of national support schemes for renewables with the EU Treaty

Early July, the European Court of Justice decided on the Ålands Vindkraft case and reaffirmed the conformity of the Renewable Energy Directive with the EU Treaty, notably on the prerogative of national renewable energy support schemes. The Greens welcome the decision.  

10. Jun. 2014 blog

Greens demand to stop fossil fuel subsidies such as through Export Finance for Coal Fuelled Power plants

This week the European Commission will be discussing an unofficial DG Trade proposal on Export Finance and Coal Fuelled Power plants. The Greens have big concerns that this proposal, once adopted, would be ruining Europe's climate credibility in the run-up to the COP 2015 negotiations.  

04. Jun. 2014 studies

Ecofys/ FOEE's short analysis of the Parliament's resolution on 2030 climate and energy package

The resolution of the European Parliament of 5 February 2014 supporting a 30% share of renewables in final energy consumption by 2030 and a 40% energy savings target (“30%/40% target”) is likely to lead to greenhouse gas emission reductions in 2030 in the range between 45% and 54% compared to 1990 levels. This is estimated by Ecofys commissioned by Friends of the Earth. The resolution itself states a minimum greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 40%, compared to 1990 levels. Earlier, the European Commission had made a proposal for supporting a 27% share of renewables in final energy consumption and 25% energy savings and at least 40% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030.  

04. Jun. 2014 studies


On January 22, 2014, the European Commission presented their proposal for a climate and energy package for 2030. However, unlike under the current Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC, there would not be any national targets for the Member States, but only this one overall target for all Member States together to reach. Without national targets, questions have arisen as to how the European Commission is going to ensure that the binding EU-level target of at least 27% renewable is in fact reached, e.g. as the European Union has no territory of its own on which to build renewable energy power plants, or what can be done if it is not reached.