27. Mar. 2013

Yes, a 100% renewable energy Europe is possible!

The Greens have been calling for substantial investment in renewable energy for years. Not only is this source of energy greener and safer, it is also infinite and is reduces our import dependency. What’s more, it has already created half a million new jobs in the EU and could create even more in the future. In order to develop renewables further, long term objectives must be fixed in order to be able to make the specific and sound investments that are needed for the "energy revolution" to take place.


Green Energy Vision

01. Jan. 2011 studies

The Vision Scenario for the European Union 2011 Update for the EU-27

The Vision Scenario represents a pathway which consistently combines short- and medium-term objectives with the long-term objectives. Furthermore it is in line with the greenhouse gas emission budget, which could allow the increase of the global mean temperature to be kept to a level below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels