EU Climate Policy

13. Feb. 2013

The EU can and must be a climate leader

EU leaders have agreed to a binding target of a 20% reduction of carbon emissions levels by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. The EU is already on its way to achieving its climate target. The Greens/EFA group thus pushes the EU to increase its own domestic climate ambition and set itself a binding target of at least 30% by 2020. Such a decision would foster the green economy, incite investment in renewable energy sources and create green jobs. By raising its emissions target the EU would also strongly encourage the rest of the world to take further climate action and give some momentum to international climate discussions.



24. May. 2011 blog

The environment committee supports the move to a 30% GHG reduction target

The environment committee called for a 30% greenhouse gas reduction target in 2020. This vote sends a very urgent signal to European governments to support a higher climate target ahead of the European Council meeting on June 24.  

10. May. 2011 blog

The first step for climate spoiled by a nuclear amendment

Last night the ITRE Committee voted on its position on the report from Green Rapporteur Bas Eickhout `Moving beyond the 20% target`. Despite some positive elements in the text, Yannick Jadot, the Green shadow rapporteur, explains why the Greens/EFA finally decided to vote against the opinion.