EU Climate Policy

13. Feb. 2013

The EU can and must be a climate leader

EU leaders have agreed to a binding target of a 20% reduction of carbon emissions levels by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. The EU is already on its way to achieving its climate target. The Greens/EFA group thus pushes the EU to increase its own domestic climate ambition and set itself a binding target of at least 30% by 2020. Such a decision would foster the green economy, incite investment in renewable energy sources and create green jobs. By raising its emissions target the EU would also strongly encourage the rest of the world to take further climate action and give some momentum to international climate discussions.



09. Nov. 2011 webtools

The Green Race

A fun, informative and interactive tool showing which countries have already taken the lead in renewable energies. Bet on your favourite country and get an overview of the climate policies, research investments and green technologies development of other countries  

07. Jul. 2011 blog

The fight for a 30% climate target ain´t over yet

Green rapporteur Bas Eickhout comments on the vote on his report `Moving beyond the 20% emissions reduction target` that took place last Tuesday. If his call for a 30% target was defeated in plenary with a narrow majority, the Green MEP is convinced that the EU has an awful lot to gain from increasing its own climate ambitions.  

04. Jul. 2011 blog

Why should Europe increase its emissions reduction target?

Tomorrow the Parliament will decide whether to strengthen the EU´s climate effort. Europe has lot to gain from such a move: not only would it helps the EU to regain its climate leadership, it would also foster the development of green technologies, create more jobs and business opportunities and bring major health benefits to European citizens...