20. May. 2013
With its ice melting at an unprecented rate, the Arctic region is attracting a growing number of actors. This is setting off a global competition for influence and economic opportunities far beyond the nations that border the Arctic. The Greens have for long warned about the necessity to protect this vulnerable region, which is also the first victim of climate change...
16. Apr. 2013
New EU climate and energy package: The Greens call for three ambitious binding targets +++ Parliament vote in favour of strengthening GHG emissions accounting and reporting - rules +++ Nuclear Stress Tests: How safe are our nuclear plants now? +++ Climate change increases the risks of flying +++ French wine more pricey +++ US: School children will receive lessons on climate change for the first time +++ "Sandy" taken out of list of hurricane names
15. Apr. 2013
Tomorrow the Parliament is to vote on a proposal from the Commission to set aside a number of allowances to ensure the well functionning of the EU carbon market. The suppression of 900 million allowances from the beginning to the end of phase 3 (2013-2020) - while clearly not being sufficient - is absolutely necessary to prevent the current system from collapsing ....