23. Nov. 2017
On Tuesday next week, the energy committee of the European Parliament will vote on the recast of the renewables directive. The Green group in the European Parliament is not exactly thrilled by the proposals and fears that the EU will miss this chance to become the leader in renewable energy sources, as was promised by the President of the European Commission three years ago.
27. Sep. 2017
Benedek Javor is a Green Hungarian MEP. He has been working on a key file in the European Parliament on Climate change, the so-called ‘Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry' regulation, a key part of the European energy and climate policy framework for 2030. In this interview, he explains the importance of forests in the fight against climate change but also the challenges when it comes to ensuring that they continue to be able to help us decreasing our emissions....
12. Sep. 2017
Rebecca Harms is a Green Member of the European Parliament and has been a passionate anti nuclear activist for several years. In this opinion article she presents the main findings of the new World Nuclear Status Report and explains why it is important to phase out this old fashion type of energy and boost renewable energy sources.
30. May. 2017
Today, the Agriculture committee will vote on its position on the so-called ‘LULUCF’ file. What is hiding behind this enigmatic acronym is the contribution of the agriculture and forest sectors to the reduction of climate change. Until now, they had been left out of the collective effort to reach the goals set up collectively by the parties in the Paris agreement. It’s high time to make a change!