
27. Feb. 2013

The Arctic ice melt:

A wake up call, certainly not a business opportunity!

The EU has three (and with Iceland, potentially four) Arctic Council states amongst its members and maintains close relations with Iceland and Norway through the European Economic Area. The changes to the climate in the Arctic or any possible accident happening in the area will thus have a direct and major impact on coastal regions in Europe and on its climate-dependent sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, renewable energy, tourism and transport. The EU has a responsibility to protect this area and to encourage its other Arctic partners to jointly safeguard such a fragile region.



27. Sep. 2013 blog


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) will release its report on the latest scientific research on climate on Monday 30th September. The summary for policy makers is currently being finalised by the different government representatives in Stockholm and will be presented this morning at 10 am. For the Greens, leaders from Europe and beyond know enough now and cannot continue to ignore the overwhelming body of scientific evidence....  

11. Sep. 2013 newsletter

NEWSLETTER ISSUE 67- September 2013


20. May. 2013 blog

The Arctic is in the spotlight, but sadly not for the good reasons.

With its ice melting at an unprecented rate, the Arctic region is attracting a growing number of actors. This is setting off a global competition for influence and economic opportunities far beyond the nations that border the Arctic. The Greens have for long warned about the necessity to protect this vulnerable region, which is also the first victim of climate change...  

16. May. 2013 newsletter