11. Apr. 2018

A future beyond coal in Europe - An interview with Greens/EFA co-president Ska Keller

The Greens/EFA group have been running a fair transition campaign since the end of last year. The end of coal is a reality, mainly for economic reasons. Investing in this type of energy source does simply not make any sense anymore. The phasing out of coal is therefore already happening. For the Green political group, what is now fundamental is to ensure that the miners - the most concerned of all groups - are placed at the core of the transition. We are now questioning the Greens/EFA co-President on how a future beyond coal in Europe is possible, how we can get there and how we can make sure that the miners are consulted, but also empowered as much as possible.


11. Dec. 2017 blog

One Planet Summit - Money should only be used to support renewable energy sources

Following the COP23 and its new alliance, Powering Past Coal, signed by 25 entities to ensure the phasing out of coal from power generation by 2030, the goal of concrete, imminent action against global warming is being pursued in Paris at the One Planet Summit, on 12 December. The Greens urge leaders to turn away from all fossil fuels and support green energy sources...  

05. Dec. 2017 blog

Beyond coal - a sustainable alternative for Europe’s citizens

after the big announcement at COP23 of the creation of the “Powering Past Coal” Alliance, one could think that the phase out of coal is now clearly ongoing. Unfortunately there is always a risk to see these plans undermined and the Greens are working hard to ensure that all initiatives at EU level go in the right direction to ensure that coal regions in Europe and their inhabitants get the support they need and that all actors (miners and their families, local and regional representatives) are on board when it comes to deciding about their future.  

23. Nov. 2017 blog

Renewables Directive: Europe must not miss this opportunity to become N°1 in renewable energy!

On Tuesday next week, the energy committee of the European Parliament will vote on the recast of the renewables directive. The Green group in the European Parliament is not exactly thrilled by the proposals and fears that the EU will miss this chance to become the leader in renewable energy sources, as was promised by the President of the European Commission three years ago.  


24. May. 2018 static

The Vision Scenario for the European Union (2017)

The Green/EFA group is the first political family in the European Parliament to have a concrete, scientifically-based and transparent roadmap to ensure the EU respects its commitments under the Paris Agreement to reduce its carbon emissions, and limit global warming to well below 2 degrees. This roadmap - based on the carbon budget approach - is an important tool to negotiate the EU's energy and climate bills for 2030 but also to have a clear vision of how our economy and world look like by 2050, if we are to limit the most serious effects of climate change.  

12. Oct. 2017 webtools

Big polluters have no place writing climate policy! - Interview with Max ANDERSSON

Last October, ahead of the vote on the next Climate negotiations that will take place in Bonn early November, the Greens managed to get the European Parliament to take a positive position on vested interests and conflicting interests within climate policy. This is a very first step that goes in the right direction to prevent dirty lobbies' influence on decisions made on energy and climate issues. Green MEP Max Andersson tells us a bit more on how things happened behind the scenes and what they next steps will be...  

18. Jul. 2016 studies

Alternative and Sustainable Energy Scenarios for Hungary

The Greens / European Free Alliance Group of the European Parliament contracted Wuppertal Institut für Klima Umwelt Energie together with Energiaklub to develop scientifically sound, comprehensive, alternative, and sustainable long term energy scenarios for Hungary with a time horizon of 2030 and 2050.